Turn Around Tactics

Sometimes you just need a tactic.

You don’t need to attend a 3-day workshop, travel to a conference, sit on hours of webinars or lives, with a likely chance that you still don’t have what you need.

It’s now possible to get what you need in 24 hours or less without leaving your home, or taking hours from your life. You deserve a customized tactic, that meets your individual need and not some cookie cutter “tactic,” that’s being handed out like flyers to a high school mixer.

Turn Around Tactics have three categories:

  1. Start: Something that you need to start doing.
  2. Stop: Something that you need to stop doing.
  3. Continue: Something you need to continue doing, so that you don’t lose momentum.

The Submission Process:

  1. Send an email to: turnaround@theturnarounddoctor.com 
  2. Subject line: Turn Around Tactic
  3. Email Body: Full Name, confirm that you are 18 years or older, provide a brief description of the Tactic Category you are seeking, a brief description of why you need the tactic and your goal/objective.

After reviewing your submission, Dr. Donna will follow up with you regarding the next steps in the process.

Fee: $50

*To submit your tactic, you must be 18 years or older.