Your Choices

30-Day Yes AND No Challenge – Learn how to make yourself a priority in your life, by holding yourself and others Personally Accountable on the daily basis. To Sign Up CLICK HERE.

30-Daily Challenge – Learn how to communicate effectively. To Sign Up CLICK HERE.

30-Day Poll Question Challenge – Learn to make better decisions. To Sign Up CLICK HERE.

30-Day Turn Around Risk Challenge – Learn how to attack fear by taking daily risks. To Sign Up CLICK HERE.

30-Day Turn Around Challenge – Learn how to stop being stuck and grow forward. To Sign Up CLICK HERE.

Turn Around Tactics – Sometimes you just need a tactic. To Submit CLICK HERE.

RL365 – From Unaccountable to Accountable to Best, One Day at a Time, for 365 Consecutive Days. To Apply CLICK HERE.

RL Advance – Have completed RL365 and are Ready to Advance. To Apply CLICK HERE.

RL Beyond – Have completed RL 365, RL Advance and are ready to pursue a RL Beyond Project. To Apply CLICK HERE.

*All applicants must be 18 years or older to apply.