Welcome to Eleven: The Meditation and Manifestation Book Challenge!
This is the eleventh annual book challenge. Below are the symbolisms and meanings with respect to the number eleven:
- Spiritual awakening, enlightenment, manifestations of desires, balance, heightened intuition, wisdom, and communication, the number of faith.
- Eleven appears to inform you to urge you to pay attention to something significant in your life.
- Eleven shows up as you prepare to access a new chapter in your life.
- Eleven appears for you to trust your intuition, to make better decisions in your daily life.
- Eleven allows you to manifest what you want daily by focusing on it. Allowing you to watch the things in your life to fall into place.
- When you see eleven it’s a notification that it is time to meditate and to manifest.
- Eleven is a soul number representing your spiritual journey.
- Eleven is a prime number and a super prime number.
- Eleven is a transitional number.
- Eleven will allow you to transition into something new and overdue.
The Meditation and Manifestation Book Challenge:
Real Leadership is based upon The 74 Principles of Real Leadership and The Theory of Daily Personal Accountability. As a result, by participating in this book challenge we will take the following actions:
Read 50 Books, one per week for one year. Each week you will meditate daily and track any manifestations that have been realized. Take one-week break during Week 26 and Week 52.
My Commitment: First, I will announce the book each week using my social media platforms. Next, I will provide a weekly video book review on the Turn Around Doctor YouTube Channel. This review will include my meditation revelations and any manifestations.
Your Commitment: Select a book that you will be reading announce it on your social media platforms and @DrDronna in your postings. To access my social media usernames, CLICK HERE. Commit to daily meditation and manifestations. Finally, each week you will provide a review of your book and a summary of your mediations and manifestations on your social media platform. You also have the option to create a video book review and publish it on your YouTube Channel, or do a live stream book review.
IN CLOSING THIS YEAR’S MANTRA IS: The Journey of Eleven, a Time of Meditation, to a Path of Manifestations!
*Note Dates for Ten are Nov 11, 2024 – Nov 9, 2025.