The 30-Day Personal Accountability Challenge is a 30 Consecutive Day Challenge.
In order for you to Hold Yourself Personally Accountable on the daily basis, you need to learn how to hold yourself Personally Accountable. This challenge starts your Personal Accountability journey. This challenged is designed for you to begin to create new neuro pathways in your mind to begin to think, assess and behave in a manner that is Personally Accountable for all that you do and for all that you fail to do.
How it Works:
- Listen to one Personal Accountability Audio per day.
- Determine top three take aways,
- Submit your action items daily.
The Benefits:
- Discover what mental blocks you have to holding yourself Personally Accountable.
- Develop strategies to eliminate those mental blocks.
- Learn what actions you need to take daily to consistently hold yourself Personally Accountable.
Here’s how to sign-up:
- Send an email to:
- Subject Line: 30-Day Personal Accountability Challenge.
- Email Body:
- Full Name.
- Confirm that you are 18-years or older.
- Provide a brief summary of, “Why,” you want to take the Challenge.
- Say, “Yes,” to the Challenge.
Challenge Fee: $30
*Must be 18-years or older to accept the challenge.